Frequently Asked Questions
Find Your Answers Here
Can I get a same-day appointment? Do you offer walk-in clinic services?
All sessions are by appointment only with same day or same week appointments available!
What is your new patient procedure?
New patients will receive an information pack in their appointment confirmation email, highlighting key things you will need to know! From there you will receive an appointment reminder a couple of days before your scheduled session and a covid-19 pre-screening questionnaire. Your first appointment consists of a detailed case history, assessment and diagnosis explanation followed by treatment and advice.
What do I need to bring and wear?
You need to bring any relevant imaging reports and list of current medication. You will be asked to dress down, if comfortable to do so, for assessment and treatment purposes. Please wear appropriate underwear and bring shorts and a strap top to change in to if you prefer.
Can I bring my children along?
Children are always welcome at the clinic. Unfortunately we are unable to supply toys at the moment for hygiene purposes so please bring your child's favourite toy along to keep them entertained!
What if I need to cancel my appointment
Please call or text 07747600328 to re-arrange your appointment. A 24hr cancelation policy is upheld whereby a late cancelation fee may be charged.
I don't want to be 'clicked'-is that okay?
Manipulations are just one tool in an Osteopaths toolbox. We can achieve the same results using a variety of other techniques suitable to the individual. Your consent is gained before any manipulation is put through so you are in full control of your treatment. If we feel you will benefit from one, we will explain what we are about to do, why and any risks involved for you to provide informed consent. We treat many patients who are not suitable for manipulations, such as those with osteoporosis, on blood thinning medication and more. Therefore you do not have to be manipulated if you do not wish to, there are no 'surprise clicks' here!
How many sessions will I need?
On average, patients see an osteopath 3-4 times for their complaint, however this is individual to each person. Some musculoskeletal complaints can be dealt with in 1 session whilst others require maintenance appointments to help manage long term conditions such as arthritic pain or persistent pain states such as fibromyalgia. Your Osteopath will discuss your diagnosis with you so that you can decide on your management plan. You will never be tied in to a treatment plan.
Is there parking and disabled access?
There is plenty of on-street parking along Walter Road and Burman street with disabled access in to the building and a disabled toilet.
What are your Covid-19 precautions?
Please see our page on Covid-19 precautions and procedures. For further questions, do get in touch!